London is well known as one of the best places in the world to find high class escorts, thanks to its large population of wealthy individuals and call girls willing to work for them. Not all London escorts are created equal – some may be more trustworthy or experienced than others – making it imperative that clients hire through reputable agencies when searching for London high class escorts.
Many sex workers in London hail from abroad, especially Southeast Asia. These women travel here because they want to make money but can’t afford to return home; some work in flats, saunas and parlors that function illegal brothels while others provide street walking services or strip clubs – in some instances even working directly for clients in their own homes!
Legal sex workers also operate within brothels and massage parlors legally; these “indoor sex workers” must undergo police screening and agree to follow a set of rules; additionally they must wear uniforms while accepting only cash payments for services rendered.
London is home to legal sex workers as well as illegal brothels that operate illegally, many run by organized crime groups that advertise through newspapers, the internet and even walls and phone booths – including mafia families who may operate them.
Women working in these brothels typically come from countries where prostitution is illegal. Many are sex slaves forced to provide sexual services for little or no pay; pimps use them like commodities for their own gain – one interviewee came to England to raise money for her sister’s cancer treatment but found herself working 12 hour days, seven days a week at 12 hour shifts with pimps taking half of what was earned as payment.
Most escorts in NYC come from poor countries. Unfortunately, some are retrafficked after leaving brothels and sold to clients desperately in search of sexual stimulation; an interviewee was even sold a second time just days after leaving her pimp! Although only 15 officers are dedicated to off-street prostitution at The Metropolitan Police Service’s Off Street Prostitution Team annually.
Many sex workers hail from the Philippines, Indonesia and Cambodia and are recruited by people with connections in the sex industry. The Poppy Project has supported many of these women by documenting their experiences, helping some return home safely or stop being exploited – although it remains a great challenge, progress has been made nonetheless.